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La Merced, Inc. is a 501c3 Non Profit Organization. Recognized by the IRS and the State of Maryland.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I hope we all make it to the Barcelo resort at Montelimar Beach this summer. It is paradise on earth.

January Trip to Nicaragua Part 2

Tuesday we held our big meeting.  It was held at the Barcelo Managua.  Jerry did a great job facilitating.

Attendees:  Father Castro, Jerry Seiro, David Rosas, Dr. McCann, Dr. Perrotta, Tina Perrotta, Sister Connie, Dr. Arguello, Dr. Mejia, Dr. Siu, Dr. Castro (Minister of Health), Chairman of Surgery at Mascota, Ottoniel Arguello and Mercedes Arguello, Owner of Lottery, Prominent Business Professional with assistant

Establishment of ENT clinic at Roberto Clemente Clinic
The group was very pleased with the announcement that, under the direction of dr. James Gaul, La Merced will establish an ENT service at the Roberto Clemente Clinic. 

The addition of orthopedic surgery
The group was very pleased with the announcement that Dr. James Trauger will be attending the mission to perform knee replacement surgery or make preparations to do so at the 2012 mission. 

Translators for June mission
Our Nicaraguan host doctors will recruit some translators from the Medical School in Managua. 

Construction at Roberto Clemente Clinic:
Jerry and Sister Connie are directing construction.. 
Perimeter walls will be erected to completely enclose the entire patient treatment area.  One additional air conditioner will be installed inside the wall containing the entrance of the treatment area.  The ENT room will be constructed toward the left, deep corner, adjacent the plastic surgery procedure room.  Construction will be completed prior to the June 2011 mission.

Timing of Mission
The mission will run approximately eight days.  The brigade will leave for Managua on Saturday the 25th.   Members of the brigade will have the option to return to Salisbury on Saturday, July 2nd or Sunday July 3rd.  

Placement of orthopedic surgeon
The question was where to place Dr. Trauger.  After Doctors Arguello, Siu Mejia and Castro (Minister of Health) debated for fifteen minutes, the decision was made to table the discussion.  Jerry will instruct the group of physicians to agree on the location by a month’s time. 

Hospital Dental Care
Dr. Mejia has asked Dr. McCann to extend his services to the Mascota Hospital.  Dr. McCann has agreed to work one half day at Mascota during the week of the mission. 

Cultural Exchange
A prominent business professional proposed developing a cultural exchange program between the American and Nicaraguan students.  The two groups would share cultural traditions, including dance and other forms of recreation. 

Procuring additional O.R. time at Mascota Hospital
The host physicians have determined the most effective way for us to procure additional O.R. time this June is to arrive with an entire surgical team consisting of an anesthesiologist, circulating nurse and a fist assistant.  In addition, Dr. Sui recommends utilizing  two O.R. tables (treating two patients) simultaneously in one operating room, a practice that is common during medical missions. 

Providing primary care to a remote village.
La Merced has been asked to supply one or two primary care providers for half day clinic at a remote village.  Travel will take approximately two hours (round trip).  Dr. Arguello will visit the village in April or May to assess the needs of the people.

Funding the director of physical therapy clinic for children with cerebral palsy
Father is asking La Merced to provide funding for a salary for the director of the physical therapy clinic.  This matter will be discussed with the Board.

Dr. Meja was presented a box of items for the patients at Mascota.  This box was sent to us from students at the University of Georgia.  Previous post.  Dr. Meja was very touched that the students remembered Mascota and took the time and money to send all these things.  We were too!

January Trip to Nicaragua Part 1

Dr. Perrotta and I just returned home from a wonderful trip to Nica.  Dr. McCann and his beautiful wife, Nina joined us for the 5 days.  It was very informative and we accomplished quite a bit.  Except for the 5.2 earthquake and Tsunami warning it was perfect as usual.

A few of the highlights...
Friday and Saturday we met with our Nica La Merced team.  Jerry Siero, Father Antonio, David, Ottoniel and Mercedes Arguello, Dr. Siu, Dr. Dorianela Castillo and their families.  Dates for our June mission were firmed up.  Our work week will be June 27th - July 1st.

Montelimar, on the Pacific Coast is absolutely beautiful.  It was a perfect setting for Father Antonio to renew our vows for our 25th anniversary.  We loved sharing it with our special friends.

Sunday we were invited to Dr. Sui's home.  His wife, Fatima made the most wonderful Paella.  We met a great couple from Michigan.  He is an Oral Surgeon and she helps run an orphanage in Managua.
We got such a kick out of the guard in front of Dr. Sui's house!

Monday we visited the Clinic and Physical Therapy Clinic.  Sister was extremely grateful for all of the supplies that were donated.  She is making arrangements for ENT clinic and plans for all to be complete by our June visit.
Little Jerry Antonio is the best little baby.  He looks just Jerry!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Special Thank You!

Before our trip this week we sent out an email to some friends requesting a few items for the Clinic in Managua.  Well we were truly overwhelmed with the response!  La Merced has some wonderful friends...

A Special Thank you to:
Amie and Michael Palenchar
Debi Rus, Rus Designs Inc.
Lisa and Ron Boltz
Jack and Linda Heath
Gateway Pediatrics, Melissa Graves
Salisbury Immediate Care Center
Steve and Kathy Hearne
Karen Silverstrim
Bob and Kathy Lanza
Tonya Pylar
Terry Cohen
Anita and Walter Conway
Joe and Patti Serpe
Rachel Cosgrove
Pam Johnson
Maria and Harry Lehman, Nanticoke Pediatrics, Seaford DE
Cheryl Synowiec
Center for Aesthetic Surgery, Stacey Guy
Delaware Valley Surgical
Angie McLaughlin

Please let me know if we forgot anyone.  We received so many things without even a note just pure generosity!  Thank you!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thank you...Bruce and Diane Winnacott

Last summer Dr. Winnacott closed his private practice and joined TLC.  His wife Diane, who ran the practice for years thought of La Merced!  They donated over $6000 worth of GYN equipment to the clinic in Managua.  Above is a specialized scope that we assembled and delivered.  The staff at Roberto Clemente Clinic for Women and Children were extremely grateful!

Monday, January 10, 2011

From the University of Georgia!

We just received the most amazing box from Lauren Ford at the University of Georgia.  Lauren and a group from ISL spent the most amazing time at Mascota Pediatric Hospital in Managua this summer.  It touched all of them so much, she and her friends got together a wonderful box of items for the patients!  She found La Merced on the internet and hoped we could deliver all of the things they put together.  We are in a few weeks!  We have a meeting planned with Dr. Mejia, Director of Mascota Pediatric Hospital, and will present this wonderful package to him.

Lauren, thank you!  And thank you to ISL and the University of Georgia.  This really touched all of us!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Members for 2011

We would like to welcome our members for the 2011 La Merced Team!
Dr. Vincent Perrotta, Plastic Surgeon - 5th year
Dr. Christopher Pellegrino, Plastic Surgeon - 2nd year
Dr. Richard McCann, Dentist - 2nd year
Dr. James Trauger, Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. James Gaul, Otolaryngology Surgeon
Dr. Pamela Juba, Internist
Dr. Michael Wheatley, Plastic Surgery
Christine Landis, CRA
Kevin Mull, PA Orthopedics
Karen Mull, PA Emergency Room
Patricia Morales, RN, Clinic Coordinator & Lead Interpreter - 3rd year
Stephanie Vetra - Medical Assistant

Cheryl Nemazie, Professional Photographer - 3rd year
Tina Perrotta, Executive Director of La Merced - 5th year
Hala McIver, Community Outreach Coordinator - 3rd year
Jim Blackwell, Director of Interpreters - 2nd year
Dennis Hailey, Transportation Coordinator - 2nd year
Shirley Blackwell, Clinic Administrative Coordinator - 2nd year
Patti Serpe - 2nd year
Joe (aka Jose) Serpe - 2nd year
Donna Winton

Steven Woodward Jr., Student Coordinator - 3rd year
Michael Traum, Asst. Student Coordinator - 3rd year
Nicholas Perrotta - 3rd year
Julia Perrotta - 4th year
Jessica Conick - 2nd year
Maggie Ramos - 2nd year
Cara Winton
Joaquin Ramos
Brian Juba
Carolyn Wheatley
Jonathan Winton
Patrick Koontz
Blair Gaskill
Julie Anne Momme
Nicole Pellegrino
Laura Winton
John David Nuschke III
Courtney Brandon
Jesse Gaul


2011 Mission trip

Happy New Year!

We are wrapping up final details for our 2011 mission trip to Nicaragua. Presently we have 35 volunteer team members signed up and ready to go. This includes 3 Plastic Surgeons, a Dentist, an Orthopedic Surgeon, an Orthopedic Physicians Assistant, an ENT Surgeon, an Internist, a Nurse Anesthetist and a Registered Nurse.

Our college students are representing some great universities...Penn State - State College, University of Maryland - College Park, University of North Carolina - Wilmington and Salisbury University!

In addition we have high school students coming from Pennsylvania, Oregon, Florida and of course here in Salisbury.  Go Bennett!

Check back here often to get updates.